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We are your one stop marketplace for all your sneaker gear. We took the hard work out of finding the best gear to match your kicks. Our marketplace offers the best sneaker inspired streetwear brands on the market today. In addition to providing our in house brand, we also carry all the hottest sneaker brands. All outside vendors on our site ship from their own warehouse.
We take the hard work out of finding the best shirts to match your sneakers. We have been doing this for more than 10 years and continue to grow and offer the best matching clothing in our industry.
We offer some of the best discounts and promotions on some of the hottest selling apparel to match your sneakers. Join our newsletter or download our app for weekly promotions. We promise not to spam you. :)
We have been in the sneaker inspired clothing industry since the beginning of the sneaker craze. Started more than 12 years ago and still one of the biggest stores for all your sneaker needs. Many new stores are popping up, but the original store is still Sneaker Threads.
Our store offers the best technology to safe guard your most personal information. Our payment gateway is secure and encrypted.